
Welcome to our Electronic Collection Plate

This is the place where you can pass the collection plate on the internet!

Engaging in your church community with Vanco Mobile is as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Download the Vanco Mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

  2. Find your church and log in using your GivePlus Mobile username and password. Or set up your user account in minutes.

  3. Give, chat or RSVP to an event!

For more information on using the VancoMobile App, click here: VancoMobile App

If you do not feel comfortable using electronic giving apps, you can also mail or drop off your checks at our office.  Our address is: 

845 North 5th Street
Spearfish SD 57783



We have added another easy way to E-Give to
the church. VENMO is convenient, you just
need to follow the steps below:
1. Scan the QR code above with your
2. Login or setup your account (first time
3. Make your gift.
There is a small transaction fee of 1.89%.


There is a SCAM text that is going around to the members of the church saying that it is from Pastor John Madvig. It says: “_____ I need a favor from you please get back to me once you get this Pastor John Madvig” No punctuation. The phone number we have seen so far is 1(803) 906-2130 . DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS TEXT.

If you get this message forward the scam message to 7726 as this helps the cellular providers to combat these scams. A person from the church has already lost $500. Pastor John would not contact you for money.


If you receive any emails from “Pastor John” and it is not from an email address ending in @spearfishumc.org, it is not from Pastor John Madvig. IGNORE THIS EMAIL. The latest fake email that a church member has received was from this address: johnmadvig.spearfishumc@gmail.com. Once again official emails from the church come from email addresses ending in @spearfishumc.org. We will not ask you for money online and the only acceptable online avenue for giving is through the Vanco Mobile App. Thank you for your time and be careful online!